Fall Home Maintenance

Get ready for colder weather! Here are 5 things to do before winter.

The milder months leading up to winter weather are the perfect time to tackle home maintenance, before the harsher elements get in the way.

With this in mind, here are five easy-to-do fall home maintenance tips:

1. Check Out the Heating Systems

Naturally, the heating system is one of the most important components of a home during the winter. This is why it is especially crucial to inspect heating units as well as the chimney and fireplace during the fall. Regarding the latter, a certified chimney sweep is a must. It takes a trained eye to identify any problems here, plus a professional service provider can offer cleaning services if necessary.

2. Revamp the Caulk

Caulking makes for an airtight seal around all windows and doors. During the spring and summer, caulk can start to wear down and break apart. That means cold air will get in during the winter and hot air will escape. Each fall, homeowners should check caulking and add new caulk to windows and doors where needed. Caulking is fairly easy to do, and compared to other maintenance tasks it’s fairly inexpensive.

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3. Check the Insulation

Checking insulation will have a major effect on heating and cooling during the winter. The goal is to have the insulation thick enough to keep hot air inside, as well as level all the way across the attic. Any uneven spots will let heat escape. If this happens, a home could end up with ice dams – which occur when a roof is too hot in the middle, melting the snow, only to have it refreeze down near the gutters. Quality insulation can prevent this from happening.

4. Upgrade the Driveway

The fall is also the perfect time to seal the driveway. Any minor cracks, bumps or damage can get a lot worse over the harsh winter. Sealing the driveway will protect the asphalt from the elements and keep it looking great into the spring. Best of all, the cost of a sealer is much less than repairs to a damaged driveway.

5. Trim the Trees

Beautiful, massive trees can certainly be an attractive feature of any yard. But during the winter, these same trees can become a hazard. Snow and ice will weigh down branches, which can tear down trees onto the yard, driveway or home itself. This is why it is a good idea to trim back trees. Homeowners should make sure all limbs are at least 10 feet back from the home, or remove risky trees altogether.

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