February Home Sales Report (2023)

Here are the latest statistics for residential real estate in Cincinnati, Southeastern Indiana, Northern Kentucky, Dayton and Springfield.

Inventory of homes for sale remains low. It may be a great time for you to sell now and take advantage high home values. Here is a report by region of homes sales throughout February 2023:


February 2023 vs February 2022

  • -24.8% Decrease in homes sold (896 homes)

  • 6% Increase in median sale price ($252,250 vs $233,000)

  • -17.4 Decrease in sales volume ($286,336,042)

  • 26.3% Increase in active homes for sale (1,041 units)

  • -16.1% Decrease in new listings (1,132 units)

  • Median days on market: 4

January–February 2023 vs January –February 2022

  • -27.7% Decrease in homes sold (1,710 vs 2,364 homes)

  • 4.2% Increase in median sale price ($242,750 vs $233,000)

  • -22.4 Decrease in sales volume ($519,829,377 vs $669,538,048)

Statistics courtesy of Realtors Alliance of Greater Cincinnati February 2023 Home Sales Report


February 2023 vs February 2022

  • -8.17% Decrease in homes sold (899 homes vs 979 homes)

  • 6.36% Increase in average sale price ($230,470 vs $216,696)

  • 8.46% Increase in median sale price ($196,101 vs $180,800)

  • -2.33% Decrease in sales volume ($207,192,968 vs $212,145,097)

January–February 2023 vs January–February 2022

  • -18.97% Decrease in homes sold (1,636 homes vs 2,019 homes)

  • 6.71% Increase in average sale price ($228,610 vs $214,235)

  • 9.80% Increase in median sale price ($193,250 vs $176,000)

  • -13.53% Decrease in sales volume ($374,005,481 vs $432,541,127)

Statistics courtesy of Dayton Realtor February 2023 Home Sales Report


February 2023 vs February 2022

  • -10% Decrease in homes sold (395 homes vs 437 homes)

  • 4% Increase in median sale price ($245,000 vs $235,000)

  • -10% Decrease in sales volume ($108,600,000 vs $120,300,000)

  • Average days on market: 39 (vs 20 in 2022)

Statistics courtesy of N Kentucky Association of Realtors®

Seller's Guide

Selling your home can take a lot of planning. Whether this is your first time putting a home on the market, or it’s just been a while, let us walk you through the journey ahead, including insider tips on how an agent can add value at every step.

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