July Home Sales Report (2024)

Here are the latest statistics for residential real estate in Cincinnati, Southeastern Indiana, Northern Kentucky, Dayton and Springfield.

With notable increases across the board, the data indicates a robust housing market. Most notably, increases in inventory help balance the market to create opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Here is a report by region of homes sales throughout July 2024:

Cincinnati/Southeast Indiana

July 2024 vs July 2023

  • 4.9% Increase in homes sold (1,774 homes)

  • 8.5% Increase in median sale price ($314,725)

  • 13.6% Increase in sales volume ($6,754,000)

  • 49.8% Increase in active homes for sale (2,205 units)

  • -21.0% Decrease in new listings (1,852 units)

  • 25% Increase median days on market (5 days)

January–July 2024 vs January–July 2023

  • 1.5% Increase in homes sold (10,280 vs 10,128 homes)

  • 6.3% Increase in median sale price ($296,000 vs $278,488)

  • 8.1% Increase in sales volume ($3,670,000,000 vs $3,400,000,000)

Statistics courtesy of Realtors Alliance of Greater Cincinnati's July Home Sales Report

Dayton and Springfield, Ohio

July 2024 vs July 2023

  • 13.02% Increase in homes sold (1,378 homes vs 1,175 homes)

  • 2.28% Increase in median sale price ($246,675 vs $239,900)

  • 19.19% Increase in sales volume ($375,062,902 vs $314,677,675)

  • 8.16% Increase in new listings (1630 vs 1507)

January–July 2024 vs January–July 2023

  • 14.66% Increase in new listings (10324 vs 9004)

  • 11.91% Increase in homes sold (8,438 vs 7540)

  • 7.73% Increase in median sale price ($237,000 vs $220,000)

  • 22.81% Increase in sales volume ($2,340,477,020 vs $1,905,789,302)

Statistics courtesy of Dayton Realtors' July Home Sales Report

Northern Kentucky

July 2024 vs July 2023

  • 8% Increase in homes sold (568 homes vs 526 homes)

  • -1% Decrease in median sale price ($281,750 vs $283,650)

  • 9% Increase in sales volume ($185,400,000 vs $170,800,000)

  • 7% Increase in new listings (753 vs 704)

  • 8% Increase in average days on market (27 vs 25)

January–July 2024 vs January–July 2023

  • 2% Increase in homes sold (3,456 homes vs 3,398 homes)

  • 2% Increase in median sale price ($275,000 vs $270,000)

  • 6% Increase in sales volume ($1,103,000,000 vs $1,109,000,000)

  • 5% Increase in new listings (4,663 vs 4,458)

  • 7% Increase in average days on market (31 vs 29)

Statistics courtesy of N. Kentucky Association of Realtors®

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